VAPG Grant Awards Up To $75,000 For Feasibility Studies

The portal to apply for a Value Added Producer Grant is open until April 17, 2025, but agriculture producers and food manufacturers should prepare now to apply. The VAPG program, funded and administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development, awards up to $75,000 for feasibility research and planning and up to $250,000 for operating expenses to individual businesses and organizations engaged in adding value to agricultural products.

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Route 66 Centennial Business Grant

A new microgrant program has been created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Route 66 and help support businesses and attractions owned or operated by a woman or a group of women that are located along the route. Businesses that meet eligibility criteria must apply by August 26, 2024, for the current round of ten $2,000 grants.

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NMSBA Program Accepting Applications for Leveraged Projects

The NMSBA program allows Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories to apply their unique expertise and capabilities to help for-profit, New Mexico small businesses solve critical challenges. Technical assistance is provided at no cost to the businesses and is rendered in the form of laboratory staff time and incidental materials.

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Outdoor Adventure Pitch Offers $15K in Prizes

The New Mexico Economic Development Department’s Outdoor Recreation Division and CNM Ingenuity’s Startups and Small Business team are partnering to help outdoor companies prepare pitches for delivery at the Outdoor Economics Conference in Santa Fe on October 25. The deadline to apply is September 22, and accepted applicants are eligible for up to $15,000 in prizes.

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Branded Grants Help the Lucky Few

Large corporations have jumped on the business-resource bandwagon to offer grants that aim to help entrepreneurs launch new businesses. Grants of $20,000, $10,000, and even $5,000 can jumpstart a small business and push it into profitability if the money can be used for equipment purchases or marketing expenses. If the money comes with business mentoring, the prize is even more valuable.

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New Grant Program Opens for Hispanic-owned Food Businesses

A new limited-time grant program will offer $10,000 grants to small Hispanic-owned food and beverage businesses in Albuquerque. The program comes from the PepsiCo Foundation, which is relying on Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), such as LiftFund and DreamSpring, to ensure that grants reach 10 – 15 Hispanic-owned businesses in each of the 13 targeted U.S. cities. Besides Albuquerque, grants will be offered in Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Chicago, Miami, Denver, New York City, Orlando, Phoenix, and Las Vegas.

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Micro-Grant Fund Accepting Applications from Northern New Mexico Businesses

The Regional Development Corporation, which serves the counties of Santa Fe, Sandoval, San Miguel, Mora, Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, and Taos, will begin accepting Micro-Grant applications on April 1 from small businesses in its service area. The RDC Micro-Grant Program awards grants of $500 to $2,000 on a competitive basis from businesses that have an immediate need for money to diversify, sustain or grow revenue, leverage other investments, and/or put systems in place that will lead to growth and create job opportunities.

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