1 Million Cups Going Strong in ABQ

Ten years ago, 1 Million Cups began in Kansas City with a simple idea: entrepreneurs discover solutions and engage with their communities over a million cups of coffee. Since then, 132 communities across the country — including Albuquerque — set aside Wednesday mornings for entrepreneurs to present their businesses to members of the community and make authentic connections in order to take the next step in their business venture.

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Grow Your Business Through Government Contracting

Some of New Mexico’s largest employers were once small businesses looking for new sources of revenue. They found revenue and growth by contracting with the government. Ready to get started? Several resource providers aim to help you expand your business through federal, state, and local contracts.

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SBA Extends EIDL Payment Deferment

The U.S. Small Business Administration has announced it will extend the deferment period of principal and interest payments for businesses that received a COVID Economic Injury Disaster Loan. The deferment gives COVID EIDL borrowers an extra six months of payment relief, thereby extending the total deferment period to a total of 30 months from the inception of all approved COVID EIDL loans.

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Wesst’s WBCs Support Women Entrepreneurs

Celebrations of women’s accomplishments during Women’s History Month are incomplete without also celebrating the organizations that support women in their endeavors. The business development organization WESST supports women by offering services specifically designed for women entrepreneurs under a program developed by the U.S. Small Business Administration. While WESST offers its services to people of every gender identification, its seven offices are SBA-designated Women’s Business Centers.

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