Pricing a Product Takes Research, Objectivity


Betsy Gillette

Betsy Gillette, Director of Market Research & Planning, TVC

Pricing a product really isn’t that complicated, even for high-tech products; it’s just a matter of using educated judgment. Before settling on a price, the entrepreneur must assemble facts about the competition and customer base and know what the product cost to produce, among other things.

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Entrepreneur Alert: It’s Time to Prepare for Technology Summit

Betsy Gillette

Betsy Gillette, Director of Market Research & Planning, TVC

Technology Ventures Corporation exists to help innovators find investors for technology-based products they hope to bring to market. In January, 2012, the Albuquerque-based company will select up to 20 entrepreneurs with the most commercially marketable ideas and help them prepare business plans to pitch in April to funders at TVC’s Deal Stream Summit, formerly called the Equity Capital Symposium.

Most of the scientists and engineers who become clients of TVC are sophisticated about technology but novices when it comes to selecting target markets, appraising market needs and attracting venture capital funding. Entrepreneurs interested in being coached by TVC should prepare now by developing the marketing aspects of their business plans. The more realistic they are about the need for their product, market size, customer base and branding, the more likely they are to draw investors.

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Third Virtual Job Fair Targets Workers for High-Tech, Green Industries

Michelle Mang of TVC

Michelle Mang, Promotions & Advertising Analyst, TVC

Technology Ventures Corporation and New Mexico WIRED (Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development) host their third virtual high tech job fair September 20-24. Because the setting is cyberspace, applicants can participate from anywhere in the world without standing in long lines.

New Mexico-based high tech and green tech companies that want to participate can register for their virtual booth by contacting Metta-Marie Stahl at 505-843-4143. The fair is limited to these industries because job-fair organizers say they offer opportunities for professional growth and better-than-average pay. (And they’re not all technical jobs, either: Many companies seek sales and marketing personnel and administrative staff.)

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