IP For Artists – (and Businesses)

Business owners interested in learning how to protect their creations should attend WESST’s Intellectual Property workshop at 6:00 pm on June 12 in Bernalillo. The workshop is geared toward artists, however, all business owners will find the information can help them protect their logo and product packaging designs.

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New Tool Helps Creators Identify Their IP

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has launched a new tool to help those unfamiliar with Intellectual Property (IP) identify whether they have or need protections to support and advance their business, invention, or brand. The tool helps users identify a person’s or company’s intellectual property, and provides easily digestible information on intellectual property – patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. 

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Protect Your IP

According to legalzoom.com, “Intellectual property rights are the ownership rights you have over things that you create as a result of your original ideas.”

As entrepreneurship has grown in New Mexico, so have the number of resources available to help innovators protect the economic value of their intellectual property.

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