RCAC Goes Beyond Small Business Loans

Rural Community Assistance Corporation, the nonprofit organization known as RCAC, offers small business loans to help businesses retain or create jobs and thus improve the economic condition of rural communities. Its Building Rural Economies Small Business Coaching team goes a step further by providing no-cost direct technical assistance to rural entrepreneurs and small businesses to launch or re-launch their business; operate, sustain, and grow their business; secure access to financing; and build networks.

RCAC’s small business loan program offers short-term loans for working capital and lines of credit as well as long-term loans for real estate and equipment. RCAC’s business loans are tailored to the needs of the particular business with flexible terms and requirements. Borrowers must be located in a rural community defined as 50,000 or less population — which describes the vast majority of New Mexico’s villages, towns, and municipalities. 

Learn more about RCAC. To request business coaching, fill out the form here.

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