Program for Doña Ana Business Startups

The nonprofit lender LiftFund is offering an online workshop on Monday, September 16, to help entrepreneurs in Doña Ana County navigate the sometimes murky and challenging path to starting a business. Owners of businesses that are already operational are also encouraged to attend. The workshop is part of the Doña Ana Small Business Program, which guides entrepreneurs from business concept to operations.


The September 16 session will:

  • Differentiate between a product-based, service-based and combined product and service-based business.
  • Walk through all of the steps and activities that are required to make a product or deliver a service.
  • Discuss the importance of marketing.
  • Learn about techniques to communicate the value of a product or service to potential customers.
  • Identify the target market.
  • Discuss the importance of positioning and branding.
  • Create an “elevator speech”.
  • Explore ways to share a story through advertising and digital marketing.

The session is scheduled to last 1.5 hours from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm MDT on September 16. Subsequent sessions covering additional topics are scheduled for the same time on September 23 and September 30. Participants do not have to attend every session.

Topics to be discussed at the September 16 session and Registration.

Topics to be discussed at the September 23 session and Registration.

Topics to be discussed at the September 30 session and Registration.

LiftFund is a nonprofit small business lender that supports small businesses with affordable loans, lines of credit, and business education. Learn more about LiftFund.

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