VAPG Grant Awards Up To $75,000 For Feasibility Studies

The portal to apply for a Value Added Producer Grant is open until April 17, 2025, but agriculture producers and food manufacturers should prepare now to apply. The VAPG program, funded and administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development, awards up to $75,000 for feasibility research and planning and up to $250,000 for operating expenses to individual businesses and organizations engaged in adding value to agricultural products.

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Another Grant, Another Deadline

Northern New Mexico businesses that have an immediate need for money to diversify, sustain or grow revenue, leverage other investments, and/or put systems in place that will lead to growth and create job opportunities have until May 12 at 5:00 pm to submit an application for a grant of $500 to $3,000 from the Regional Development Corporation (RDC). Grants are made on a competitive basis to businesses in RDC’s service area, which is defined as the counties of Santa Fe, Sandoval, San Miguel, Mora, Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, and Taos.

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Grants Available to Businesses Impacted by Wildfire

The Wildfire Business Assistance Grant Program provides emergency assistance to business owners and self-employed individuals whose businesses were physically damaged or saw reduced revenue due to recent wildfires. The $1.5 million temporary grant program offers support when federal assistance falls short.

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Grants for Tribal Businesses

The Regional Development Corporation is offering grants of up to $8,000 to businesses that are 51 percent or more owned by a Northern New Mexico tribal member to grow, diversify revenue, leverage other investments, create new jobs, and put systems in place that lead to growth.

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