Ready to Start a Brewery? Apply to BrewerySprint

New Mexico State University Arrowhead Center is offering a FREE business support program to existing and aspiring brewers, distillers, and winemakers in New Mexico called BreweySprint. This 6-week business support program features a curriculum designed to support participants in developing and strengthening their businesses through guided exploration of the Business Model Canvas.

BrewerySprint includes personalized resources and assistance, mentorship, networking opportunities, and connections to business experts who are operating breweries in New Mexico. After six weeks, participants will have learned all about the regulatory, business, and manufacturing needs of alcohol production and sale in the state. This course is virtual and can be accessed from a home, office, or basement home brew operation.

Sprint accelerator programs are designed to help new and established businesses launch and grow. The programs strive to meet participants where they are, no matter what stage the business is in, and to help participants take the next steps forward. Utilizing a cohort-based and one-on-one approach, Sprints offer assistance with exploring the Business Model Canvas (BMC), along with connections to personalized resources to help overcome business challenges.

The Business Model Canvas guides participants as they refine the essentials of their value proposition, discover and reach customer segments, optimize and grow channels, establish and cultivate customer relationships, evaluate costs and revenue streams, and leverage key partners, activities, and resources.

Space is limited. Apply here by May 31, 2024.

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