MidSchoolMath cofounders Scott Laidlaw and Jennifer Lightwood in 2011 after receiving a grant and other assistance from LANL’s economic development programs. Article by Jason Gibbs.
New leadership at Los Alamos National Laboratory hopes to increase business development and educational programs for small businesses, while relying even more on New Mexico companies to fulfill contracts.
On the heels of LANL’s 75th anniversary in the summer of 2018, Triad National Security LLC has taken the helm as the new managing contractor for the research facility in Northern New Mexico. In accordance with mandates given to previous managers, Triad plans to continue or expand many of the educational and business development programs already in place while increasing opportunities available to the New Mexico community.

Kathy Keith, Director, LANL CPO
Kathy Keith, director of the lab’s community partnerships office, said many of the existing partnerships, such as the Regional Partnership School in Pojoaque and the Regional Development Corporation in Española, will continue, although some may look a little different. For example, a small business council will be formed to seek input from current and future contractors. And a small business training program will teach contractors how to work with LANL and ensure that local businesses have access to contracts offered by the lab.
New initiatives are also planned on the workforce development front. The lab is partnering with Northern New Mexico College to train radiological control technicians, a field that is in high demand at LANL. And a new Office of Partnerships and Pipeline at the lab will be created to coordinate connections with higher education partners around the state as well as other educational organizations.
In 2017, the lab’s economic development initiatives helped create or retain some 1,700 jobs at New Mexico companies, with salaries totaling more than $64.3 million. LANL worked on 281 economic development projects the same year, assisting a variety of small businesses in the state, according to the lab. New director Thom Mason said sustaining and enhancing the Laboratory’s partnership with the community will benefit the region as well as LANL.
“Over the last four months, I have met with the leadership of more than 30 local organizations representing businesses, nonprofits, governments and Indian pueblos,” Mason said. “Our plans reflect the challenges they identified and the integral role the laboratory plays as a neighbor, employer and major economic driver in the region.”
The lab has relied heavily on New Mexico businesses, purchasing 46 percent — more than $317 million in goods and services — within the state in 2017. Officials said Triad will double the local pricing preference for Northern New Mexico small businesses contracting with the lab from 5 percent to 10 percent for businesses located in the Indian pueblos that form part of the Triad Pueblo Business Alliance in an effort to support those communities even further.
In 2017, LANL employed 11,083 people, 41 percent of whom are minorities, according to the lab. While final numbers are not yet available for 2018, officials estimate around 1,000 people were hired this year, partly to replace employees that are retiring and partly to fill new positions that are being created. Hiring is expected to continue at a similar rate for the next few years.
On that philanthropic front, Triad has committed to contributing up to $2.5 million — an amount similar to previous years — to regional nonprofit organizations under its Community Commitment Plan. The investments will support K-12 STEM education through a partnership with the LANL Foundation and strengthen regional economic diversity and workforce development in conjunction with the Regional Development Corporation.
Finance New Mexico article 586 by Jason Gibbs