WESST Pop-Up Shop Supports Creative Entrepreneurs

The business development organization WESST is accepting applications from creative entrepreneurs to participate in its juried October 2022 holiday pop-up shop.

Now in its fifth year, the WESST Holiday Pop-up Shop offers vendor booths on the grounds of the WESST Enterprise Center on Broadway Boulevard NE in Albuquerque. WESST attracts buyers and visitors through event emails, newsletters, its website, social media, public relations, printed flyers, and community partnerships, all of which give vendors good exposure.

willajunejewelry and Reuseful Candles
willajunejewelry and Reuseful Candles participated in WESSTs previous holiday pop up shops

Applications will be evaluated by a jury of WESST employees, and priority will be given to existing WESST clients who have engaged with WESST by attending a class or consulting appointment in the last year. Non-clients may be included in the show if space is available.

The pop-up shop takes place on October 14, 2022, and applicants will be notified of their acceptance on July 18, giving them ample time to prepare for the event.

Apply to participate in the WESST Holiday Pop-Up Shop by July 11.

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