New Mexico NetLinks Offers Connection Resources

Interested in professional networking, job information, or events that can grow your career or small business? New Mexico NetLinks brings them all together on one website.

Created by the director of the Small Business Institute (SBI) at the University of New Mexico, NM NetLinks was launched to connect businesses, professionals, and students to in-person networking opportunities. Networking allows one-on-one communication between participants who often benefit by increasing the number of business associates that can further their careers and help grow their businesses.

Live, in-person events have returned after a pandemic-imposed hiatus, making the NM NetLinks website even more valuable today.

Resource organizations, which are indexed by demographic and interest group, can be downloaded as spreadsheet lists containing website URLs. Downloadable articles offer job-hunting advice and other tips.

Visit NM NetLinks and find business support organizations under the Community Connections tab.

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