A tax-exempt community development financial institution (CDFI) that provides loans, training and business consulting to entrepreneurs…business owners and nonprofit organizations throughout New Mexico and the Navajo Nation.
- Low to moderate income entrepreneurs
- Minority-owned businesses
- Native American enterprises
- Rural enterprises, including those located on tribal land
- Women-owned businesses

A loan from The Loan Fund helped Kimberley Calvo take her restaurant mobile
Resources Provided
- One-on-one business development consultations
- Financial literacy training
- Training seminars
- Capacity-building technical assistance
Loan FAQs and Link to Application
Get your general loan questions answered here.
Type of Businesses Served
- Entrepreneurs and business startups
- Small businesses not able to obtain funding from traditional lending sources
- Nonprofit organizations
Stage of Businesses Served

Quemado Rito Convenience Store received a business-building loan from The Loan Fund
Funding Style
Funding Range
- $5,000 to $1 million
Applicant Requirements
- Has a reasonable credit history
- Has collateral to secure loan
- Can demonstrate ability to repay loan
- Can show how business or nonprofit organization benefits the community
Learn more about the Loan Fund’s services & how they have helped New Mexico small businesses:
- Food Trucks: A New Path to Entrepreneurship
- Lender’s Loyalty Sustains Business Growth for Disabled Vet
- Following the Signs to Small Business Success
- Loan Enables Investment in Vintage Motel, Local Economy
- Cedar Crest Woman Brews Up Business With Help From Nonprofit Lender
- 423 Iron SW, Albuquerque, NM 87103
- 866-873-6746
- http://loanfund.org/