Business Loans: When Traditional Banks Can’t Help

F. Leroy Pacheco

F. Leroy Pacheco, CEO, The Loan Fund

Nine years ago, while working as a housekeeper for a large Albuquerque hotel, Delia Gallegos dreamed of her own restaurant. Today she is the owner of two restaurants that provide a living wage to nine employees, and she has plans to open a third.

Delia is just one of many successful clients of The Loan Fund, a non-profit alternative lending agency that steps in when banks are unable to make a loan. The mission of The Loan Fund is to build New Mexico communities, and we pursue this mission one loan at a time.

The Loan Fund was founded in 1989 by the Council of Churches to help alleviate poverty in New Mexico. It was, and still is, a laudable goal and Continue reading

Preparation Is the Key to Getting a Business Loan

Paul F. Goblet, Investment Advisor, NMSBIC

Paul F. Goblet, Investment Advisor, NMSBIC

Unlike securing a consumer loan for a home or car, getting a business loan can be difficult. Consumer loans have become readily available, and often a borrower can be pre-approved based on his or her credit score.

A business loan, on the other hand, demands far more documentation, takes longer to close, and is often based on both the historical success of the business and the personal financial strength of the owner.

There are many reasons for this. Valuing a business is not as simple as having an appraisal on a home because there are fewer comparisons – not many businesses are exactly like yours. Nor can the business be sold as quickly as a home or car.

The New Mexico Small Business Investment Corporation (NMSBIC) tries to make the process of obtaining a business loan easier. Through its financial partners, like ACCION New Mexico, WESST Corp. or The Loan Fund, we have provided funding for over 1,300 business loans throughout the state. While each financial partner has their own credit approval process and each requires different documentation, these partners are accustomed to working with small businesses that might otherwise have trouble securing a loan from a traditional bank.
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