Wanted: Business Leaders Who Inspire Others to Lead

Julianna Barbee, Director, NM Small Business Development Center at NNMC

Julianna Barbee, Director, NM Small Business Development Center at NNMC

Few things are as effective as a global economic crisis for identifying the qualities of leadership most likely to inspire optimism and involvement. Whether it’s in the world of politics or business, the most effective leaders exude both confidence and pragmatism and are inclusive and decisive.

Leadership in business means creating an environment in which people’s strengths are reinforced and their weaknesses offset, which is why the most effective leaders surround themselves with other leaders, not just experts in their chosen field.

Studies show that when something negative happens within the workplace, blaming the individual or individuals involved can often hinder our ability to see the larger context in which it happened.  Recognizing the fallibilities and possibilities of being human allows business leaders to unlock the energies of every team member and increase collective excellence and performance. A united team can focus on all areas at once rather than succumbing to the natural tendency to pay attention to one problem or opportunity at a time and get lost in the details.

Whether you are a business owner or an employee of a large or small organization, these leadership traits can help you and your business become more efficient and more productive.

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Staying Cool When the Market’s Blowing Hot and Cold

Gena Wilimitis, PR Coordinator, Securities Division, New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department

Gena Wilimitis, PR Coordinator, Securities Division, New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department

The Securities Division of the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department is cautioning investors to avoid making impulsive and uninformed decisions about their long-term financial holdings in response to the unprecedented volatility on Wall Street.

“Investors should resist the temptation to make hasty decisions about their investments or finances,” division director Bruce Kohl said. “And now is the time to be especially wary of unsolicited financial advice offering new investment opportunities. We know from past experience that con artists follow the headlines to exploit the worries of everyday investors. In times of confusion and uncertainty, there are always those who will try to prey on the investing public.”

Turmoil in the home-mortgage market creates opportunities for crooks to peddle phony real-estate investments that promise enormous returns, Kohl said, and soaring energy costs have inspired scams disguised as oil and gas partnerships and alternative-energy projects. The Internet has given a global grasp to con artists who disguise themselves as online “friends” eager for your partnership in money-making ventures.
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Selling Your Product Means Selling Yourself

Leslie Hoffman, Director of Lending, ACCION New Mexico

Leslie Hoffman, Director of Lending, ACCION New Mexico

Remember your favorite first date? Think about what made it special for you.  Maybe it was the way your date listened and took an active interest in you and the things you care about. It could have been the extra care your date put into looking just right for the occasion or the bouquet of flowers that greeted you at the door.

Making a good and lasting first impression in business is a lot like a memorable first date. In a competitive marketplace where consumers, companies and government institutions have multiple choices about where and how to spend money, it’s vital for small-business owners to remember that selling yourself can help you sell your product or service.

A common mistake of business owners is failure to make a positive and lasting first impression, but it’s a mistake that’s simple to correct by following a few simple steps.

Be prepared. Begin building a lasting first impression even before your meeting starts. Know everything you can about your product or service. This might include having a portfolio of work or product samples or other promotional or marketing materials. Be prepared to answer commonly asked questions. Remember the adage: Failure to prepare is preparation for failure.

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Money Is Tight, but It’s There for the Lending

F. Leroy Pacheco

F. Leroy Pacheco, CEO, The Loan Fund

The credit crunch is a new nightmare for some borrowers, but entrepreneurs and start-ups of modest means were only too familiar with being turned down for traditional financing even before the economy went sour.

Private alternative lenders such as The Loan Fund have helped such borrowers build self-sufficient businesses for years. Since the Wall Street meltdown, we’ve been getting more referrals from loan officers at local banks who know we have more flexibility than they do and can make a loan or authorize a line of credit of up to $1 million.

Bankers aren’t bad people; our board of directors includes several of them. They want to help business owners, but their hands are often tied by federal regulations and mandates from above — and those restrictions have only increased recently. One banker told me applicants must now have a minimum credit score of 650 and three years of profitable financial reports before the bank even considers making a loan.

Because we’re a private group that balances social benefits and fiscal responsibility, The Loan Fund has more flexibility when it comes to helping our clients get (and keep) going. One such client, Carley Preusch of Silver City, was turned down by four banks that considered her profit margin “too low.” We loaned her $125,000 in July to expand her assisted-living center.
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Keeping Loyal Customers During a Downturn

J. Roy Miller, State Director, NMSBDC

J. Roy Miller, State Director, NMSBDC

Every business knows it costs more to acquire new customers than to retain existing ones. Yet many businesses spend lots of money on elaborate advertising campaigns while their profitable, longtime customers walk out the door to do business elsewhere. In this climate of economic uncertainty, it’s more important than ever for business owners to hold on to the customers who helped them build their business in the first place.

Don’t give them a reason to stray. Make customer service a priority by setting the example for your employees, who learn by seeing and doing what you do. Make suggestions and invite workers to come up with their own suggestions for how customers could be better served. Good customer service starts with the boss.

Reward loyalty. Every customer wants to know that his or her business is appreciated, especially when money doesn’t go as far as it did even a year ago. Customers often go elsewhere simply because they feel ignored. Let your customers know you appreciate their business by saying thanks through words, letters and small rewards.

Act on complaints. For every customer who complains, another 26 have similar problems they haven’t resolved, according to the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs. Think of complaints as market research you didn’t have to pay for, and then respond by fixing the problem.

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Finding Venture Capital in a Time of Crisis

Scott Caruso, Partner, Flywheel Ventures

Scott Caruso, Partner, Flywheel Ventures

In the wake of a financial crisis that spread quickly from Wall Street to the rest of the world, many small businesses are finding traditional funding sources, including debt financing, harder to secure. Many entrepreneurs are consequently turning to venture capitalists to finance the growth of their businesses.

The decision to seek venture capital is a strategic one that requires thought and planning. Venture capitalists generally invest in high-growth companies that have potential to create a sizable return. Venture capital isn’t for everyone, but it’s ideal for companies aiming to acquire a large market share in their industries until they can be acquired by a bigger player or go public.

When looking for venture capital, it’s critical to target a firm whose mission and goals align with your own and to understand the firm’s economics and investment patterns. Doing this important legwork before seeking venture-capital funding will allow you to be more efficient and successful in achieving your funding goals.

Sizing up the venture-capital alternatives: The first step is to qualify the firms you plan to approach, beginning with fund size, the clearest indicator of a firm’s investment strategy. A firm that operates a $50 million fund might make investments between $2 million and $5 million, while a $500 million fund might make investments in the range of $15 million to $20 million. Understanding the amount of capital a firm is willing to invest helps you determine if it can meet your funding needs.
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Government Backs Loans for the Rural Entrepreneur

John Woosley, CPA and Director, U.S. Small Business Administration, New Mexico District Office

John Woosley, CPA and U.S. Small Business Administration New Mexico District Director

At a time when banks are loath to lend money to other banks, New Mexico’s rural entrepreneurs may wonder if it’s even worth trying to obtain the credit they need to stay in business.

That’s where the Small Business Administration and its partners come in with programs to help launch and build rural businesses and to help rural innovators overcome the special problems posed by distance from customers, markets and workers and the lack of a telecommunications infrastructure.

SBA’s financial assistance consists of guarantees to banks to share the risk of lending to entrepreneurs. Just this year the agency instituted the Rural Lender Advantage initiative to foster economic development in rural areas by making it easier for smaller community banks to partner with the SBA to finance small businesses. With a maximum loan amount of $350,000, expedited approval, limited documentation requirements and the federal government’s guarantee that the bank won’t lose its entire investment in case of default, this tool makes community banks more willing to help New Mexico’s rural entrepreneurs pursue their business goals.

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Public Funds Back New Mexico Businesses

Paul Goblet

Paul F. Goblet, Financial Advisor, NM SBIC

There’s no doubt that the foresight of current and past legislatures and governors has attracted equity capital to New Mexico businesses, especially in the technology sector.

While more companies could probably benefit from having additional equity capital on their balance sheets, outside equity investments are not for every business. Investors can be difficult to attract, and dealing with them can be time consuming and expensive.

So how does a small company obtain the capital it needs to grow, even at a modest pace?

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Inside New Mexico’s Private Equity Funds

Paul Goblet

Paul F. Goblet, Financial Advisor, NM SBIC

Mention professional equity capital in New Mexico, and technology start-ups typically come to mind. That’s because most private equity investments target technology-transfer opportunities emerging from universities and national laboratories based in the state.

With the support of the New Mexico Private Equity Investment Program, more than $350 million in capital has been committed to 22 funds that directly benefit New Mexico businesses, typically in the technology sector in the Albuquerque area. But how do non-technology entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs outside of Albuquerque get their businesses going, especially in an unstable and unpredictable economy?

Help begins at home

Realizing that business ideas exist outside of Albuquerque and the technology sector, the New Mexico legislature in 2000 created the New Mexico Small Business Investment Corporation to focus on financing small businesses. Originally funded with $10 million from the Severance Tax Permanent Fund, it has swelled to more than $87 million thanks to subsequent commitments.

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New Mexico Investment Program Weathering Wall Street Woes

Paul F. Goblet, Financial Advisor, NMSBIC

Paul F. Goblet, Financial Advisor, NMSBIC

Despite a nationwide financial crisis, New Mexico businesses continue to attract equity investments thanks to commitments made by current and previous legislators and governors.

Both Gov. Bill Richardson and his predecessor, Gov. Gary Johnson, saw potential benefits in supporting New Mexico businesses by providing equity capital for growth.  Using capital that had accumulated in the Severance Tax Permanent Fund, our state launched the New Mexico Private Equity Investment Program in 1994, and it has grown through the infusion of additional capital commitments over the past 14 years.

The state program, which is managed by the State Investment Council, was designed to attract professionally managed equity funds like those operating in California’s Silicon Valley in the 1990s. Its creators believed that out-of-state equity-fund managers had expertise to invest in and develop New Mexico businesses and that their investments would lure additional funds and professionals. They were right.

If you build it, they will come

Chicago-based Arch Ventures was the first to establish a presence in New Mexico, but more than 20 additional funds have followed. Early investors were attracted by the vast amount of technology generated by the state’s research laboratories and universities, but other specialty funds have also been established.

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