US Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

The SBA has a number of loan programs that are offered through banks and financial institutions. The SBA provides loan guarantees that often can help a business qualify for a loan they might not otherwise be able to obtain.

If you believe you qualify for an SBA loan, ask your banker if she is an SBA Preferred Lender or is knowledgeable about SBA loans.

Type of Businesses Served:

  • All types

Stage of Businesses Served:

  • All stages

Funding Style:

Funding Range:

  • $5 million

Applicant Requirements:

  • Varies by program

Lending Programs:

7(a) Loan Program provides capital for starting, acquiring and expanding a small business. There are many variations of the 7(a) loan program, each of which apply to businesses with special needs such as money for export, rural enterprises, and businesses that require rapid loan approval. Other 7(a) loans finance veteran-, women-, and minority-owned businesses.

Read articles about SBA loan programs and activity:

504 Loans provide financing to acquire fixed assets for expansion or modernization. The SBA usually finances 40 percent of the total project costs and a participating lender finances up to 50 percent of the total project costs. The borrower typically contributes 10 percent.

Nonprofit certified development companies are sometimes invited to facilitate 504 loans. Enchantment Land Certified Development Company is one such CDC that works with banks in New Mexico. Read more about 504 loans:

Other Programs:

A Learning Center on the SBA website provides video training and other tools. Basic business information is also available.



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