John Brown, Mesa Capital Partners
Every business owner asks the question – What’s my company worth?
While that question may be on the top of your mind, perhaps the right question to ask is: What is my company worth . . . to a buyer, to a banker, to an investor, or to any specific person or entity. Besides you, who will care about the valuation?
Does it make a difference? Doesn’t a company have some definitive, intrinsic value?
An academic will tell you that a company does have a definitive value, while a skilled investment banker will say your business value depends on who is setting it. Both are right. The key is to understand the context in which the business is being valued.
For example, if you want to sell or finance your business, you are likely looking for the highest value; but if you’re trying to settle a tax bill, you will probably want to find a legitimate valuation method that minimizes the company’s worth. Different parties can have very different motivations in setting or perceiving the value of a business.
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