Taos County Economic Development Corporation (EDD)

Economic development organizations recruit new businesses and support existing businesses through relationships and programs that accelerate individual business growth. ED organizations help with site selection, financial incentives and connections to region-specific resources.

Since Taos County Economic Development Corporation (TCEDC) was founded in 1987, the challenges facing the community were those of a historic, semi-isolated, rural area transitioning from a centuries old, self-sufficient agrarian base to a commercially focused economy. TCEDC utilizes a family model in its community development efforts to address these challenges.

TCEDC provides workshops and individual training on agricultural and healthcare issues facing county residents.

  • 1021 Salazar Rd., Taos, 87571
  • 575-758-8731
  • Website
  • Facebook page (since as of this posting, the website is under construction)

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