City of Albuquerque Economic Development Department (EDD)

Economic development organizations recruit new businesses and support existing businesses through relationships and programs that accelerate individual business growth. EDD organizations help with site selection, financial incentives and connections to region-specific resources.

The City of Albuquerque’s Economic Development Department works to create, diversify, and enhance job growth and to promote business development and stability. It supports business and the development community within city government and between city agencies. It works with other economic development agencies in the region, such as Albuquerque Economic Development and Bernalillo County Economic Development Department.

In 2014, the city launched the following programs to support startups and entrepreneurial activity:

ABQid – A venture accelerator where select startups receive training and mentorship. Read about the accelerator:

1 Million Cups – A weekly networking event that brings veteran and aspiring businesspeople together to discuss local startup initiatives.

Entrepreneurial Office Hours – Business owners and aspiring business owners can bring their questions and visit with Albuquerque Economic Development Director Gary Oppedahl and other veteran entrepreneurs on Wednesday afternoons – A program that aims to engage Albuquerque business leaders in efforts to address community needs and problems

  • One Civic Plaza, Albuquqerque, 87102
  • 505-768-3270
  • Website

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