Value Proposition

Taking a product or service to market begins with a value proposition: an evaluation of who the product is for, what need it will fulfill, what dissatisfies consumers about the products currently being used to fulfill that need, and how the new product is a marked improvement. Read more

Critical Path

The critical path method is the result of a mathematical approach to decision-making in project management, but it can be used to set deadlines for any business endeavor that includes multiple interdependent tasks. The critical path lists every task on a project trajectory and defines which are mandatory and which are more flexible. Read more

Symbiotic Success: Incubator and Its Tenant Companies Grow Together

By Finance New Mexico

By Finance New Mexico

When Allan Sindelar joined the Santa Fe Business Incubator in 1998, both his company — Positive Energy Solar — and the incubator were in their infancy.

Sindelar had previously made his living as a freelance carpenter and had several years’ experience designing and installing solar electrical systems. He had no background in starting and running a business.

The incubator, meanwhile, had just opened in a 10,000-square-foot building with barely enough room for eight or nine tenant businesses. Continue reading

Term Loans, Lines of Credit Can Finance Business Expenses

By Chris Rowberry, Senior Lending Officer, Los Alamos National Bank

By Chris Rowberry, Senior Lending Officer, Los Alamos National Bank

When a business needs to buy expensive equipment and doesn’t have the operating cash to buy it outright — or doesn’t want to commit liquid assets to such a big-ticket item — the owner will often approach a bank for financing. The same is true when a business has cash flow shortfalls because its inflows and outflows are out of sync.

Most banks have commercial lending departments that can offer the business a loan to finance equipment purchases or cover short-term obligations. Two of the most common loan types are term loans and revolving lines of credit. An experienced commercial banker can help the business decide which loan is most appropriate for its situation. Continue reading


Factoring is an asset-based financing method whereby a company sells an invoice, or invoices, to a factoring company in return for an advance of 80 to 90 percent of the invoice’s value. When the invoice is paid, the selling company receives the balance — typically minus a commission of 1 to 3 percent retained by the factoring company. Read more

LANL’s Express Licensing Program

Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Richard P. Feynman Center for Innovation (FCI) launched the Express Licensing program to fast-track the licensing of technologies and software with a simple online application. The application template standardizes licensing terms and makes it possible for LANL to share inventions on a broader scale without making potential partners and customers undergo exhaustive individualized negotiations.

Read more about the program:
